刈水デザインマーケット Karimizu Design Market
刈水の細い路地沿いや空き地、現在お住まいの住宅の庭など、刈水地区全体を会場として年2回(春・秋)のペースで 開催している「刈水デザインマーケット」。長崎県内を中心に、福岡、大分、東京などから、手作りのもの、こだわりの食、 ワークショップなどが集まります。刈水の住民の方々にも出店や会場提供のご協力をいただき、デザイン好きな方々か ら地元の子供たち、お年寄りまでみんなが楽しめるイベントです。 「手作りのものごとや知恵を通して地域に光を当てたい。過疎の集落に人々が集まり賑わう様子を、地元刈水の方々を はじめ外の人にも実体験してもらいたい。」という想いで始めたこのマーケット。回を重ねるごとに来場者も増え、「村 のおまつり」として着実に刈水の地に根を張ってきています。
Karimizuan organizes a Design Market twice a year - in spring and in autumn. During the market, artists and designers coming from different parts of Japan such as Nagasaki, Fukuoka, Oita or Tokyo come together to expose their crafts, mostly hand-made ceramics on which Japanese cuisine’s best delicacies will be displayed and served. It’s an event that involves the whole community, as everyone - including the children and the elderly – gets invited and becomes an active part of the workshop. The goal is to keep alive the Japanese tradition of hand-made products, by letting the new generations experience and touch it directly with their own hands. However, it’s also an occasion for the artists to present their craft to the public and get some new inspiration as well. Considering the increasing success of the event in terms of public, Karimizuan hopes that the Design Market can become an official event – Matsuri ”Festival” - in Obama village in the coming years.